Let’s Prepare For Your Next Stunt
Enjoy the best
design and functions
Designing a card stunt shouldn’t be hard. It is now possible to do it on your phone having just a little bit of graphic design experience!

Making it look easy
All it takes to perform a stunning choreography
All fans who use designer app can suggest a message or an elaborated custom-designed choreography
Best designs would be discoverd by a voting system. The designs with the most up-votes would be considered for the performance
Plan and schedule the popular designs. Unlimited designs for online performances,
10 design sequences per offline events
Crowdsourcing Tifo
At Stadiugraph, we are dedicated to empowering the fans and helping them express themselves. We have developed a product to connect fans all over the world and facilitate and strengthen the relationship between the clubs and the supporters. Using our app, every single fan can suggest a message or an elaborated custom-designed choreography which would be later chosen or discarded by the vote of the other participants. The design with the most up-votes would be scheduled and performed in a matter of minutes, requiring the least prior preparation. Stadiugraph helps the fans to get their voice heard and makes the stadiums an even more vibrant place to attend.
Android and ios Apps
Stadiugraph would be available on both Android and ios phones:
Android App
To be released soon
Iphone App
To be released soon